About Tiffany

Tiffany was born with artistic abilities and is self-taught in many mediums. As an artist, she has more than fifteen years of accomplished work. She has extensive certifications in many product lines, mediums, and life experience; which formed her sensitivity to detail and the quality of art.Through the years, she experimented with various mediums; painting murals and texturing walls were among the few. These creative skills led her to find a niche in interior décor, allowing her to put together whole room schemes. Her most recent pursuit has been hand carving multi-medium relief sculpture from concrete.she found that she could create works of art that are original, unique, and exclusive to her design. Tiffany has done extensive traveling to many places within the United States, Italy, Hawaii, South Korea, France, Africa, and South America to explore and experience their culture. She uses these experiences to bring creative flow and a different flavor to her art.